Navigation Tool
Navigation Tool
A Useful Tool, Now Updated
To simplify your search time, you can locate any deceased person via our interactive tool. Simply type in the first and last name of the buried person and Google Maps can now guide you to their exact location on the site. Simply click on the “Ouvrir dans Google Maps” link from the white box indicating the plot.
You'll also find a legend of our buildings and famous people buried at the cemetery. The map is divided into four colored sections to match the sectional signage on the site, so that you may find your way around the cemetery more easily.
Visual Aid
The green line at the bottom of each section sign tells visitors which section they are in while on site.
Please complete the form to report any missing or incorrect information on the map relating to a deceased person.
We're with you every step of the way. We're here for you, 24 hours a day, every day. Your advisor will guide you through the various stages and ensure your needs are heard and met.
Give yourself peace of mind and book a session with one of our counsellors today to plan ahead.
Bury your loved one in one of our eco-friendly groves which involves the burial of biodegradable urns under saplings guaranteed to grow into beautiful trees. The deceased's ashes are thus returned to nature, and generations to come can gather around the growing tree, chosen from a selection of native species adapted to the area's environment.
Cremation is currently chosen by nearly 75% of Quebecers. There are many reasons to choose this option, including its simplicity and possibilities.
Mausoleums are large buildings that offer different alternatives to in-ground burials. They house many crypts and indoor columbaria, allowing families to visit their loved ones year-round, regardless of the weather.
Thanks to its exceptional location on Mount Royal, Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery has hundreds of acres of land with space for many plots for years to come.
Exposed to the elements, your loved ones' monuments lose some of their luster over time. Honor your loved ones by restoring their monuments to their original glory. Our chemical-free technique leaves the engravings intact.
Anything is possible at Notre-Dame-des-Neiges; let us know your ideas for custom engravings for your loved one's monument.
Engravings are always done during the summer season, due to the temperature.