
The Fabrique Thanks the Minister of Labour for his Proposal to End the Labour Dispute

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Representatives of the Fabrique de la paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal met today with the Minister of Labour, Jean Boulet, to review the current labour dispute and the status of discussions underway between the parties, in collaboration with the chief mediator-conciliator, since June 29th.

July 10, 2023

Representatives of the Fabrique de la paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal met today with the Minister of Labour, Jean Boulet, to review the current labour dispute and the status of discussions underway between the parties, in collaboration with the chief mediator-conciliator, since June 29th.


To expedite the negotiations, the Minister proposed to the parties’ representatives that a dispute arbitrator be appointed within 48 hours to hear the parties and rule on the issues in dispute. This procedure would put an immediate end to the general strike by the two unions during the arbitration process and allow the Cemetery to resume operations in accordance with the established back-to-work protocols.


The Minister also asked the parties to confirm their agreement to his proposal within 48 hours so that the chief mediator-conciliator could continue working with the parties over the next two days to reach a new negotiated agreement that could then be ratified by the members of the two unions and the Fabrique Board.


“We are satisfied with our meeting with the Minister of Labour, during which we clearly expressed our openness to both parts of his proposal. We remain open and willing to work with the chief mediator-conciliator over the next few days. However, we made it clear that no negotiations can happen if malicious actions at Notre-Dame Basilica and the secondary picketing in front of directors’ homes continue,” says Michel St-Amour, volunteer director of the Fabrique. “If we can’t reach a satisfactory agreement within the timeframe proposed by the Minister, we believe that recourse to arbitration is the best way to settle any remaining disputes while allowing us to complete the clean-up and resume normal Cemetery operations as soon as possible”.

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The Search for a Loved One feature is now available again. We thank you for your patience with this matter.


If you are awaiting for the names of your loved ones to be engraved or inscribed for the mausoleums Marguerite Bourgeoys (M4), La Pietà (M5), Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul (M6), or Sainte-Marguerite-D'Youville (M8), rest assured that we will contact you as soon as we have processed your request.


Please note that our offices receive a high volume of calls regarding requests for ash burials. If you have already submitted such a request in the past, please be assured that we will get back to you as soon as we have reviewed your file. If your request for an ash burial has not yet been submitted, we urge you to complete the form. Thank you for your understanding.

Ash Burial Request Form